pkgwrite - Make RedHat and Debian packages from the same source.


 pkgwrite  (--tarball=TARBALL | --srcdir=SRCDIR) \
          [--pkgwriteinfo-file=pkgwriteinfo] \
          --arch=ARCH \
 pkgwrite --query-list=LISTNAME


pkgwrite takes a standard automake package, either from a source directory or from a distributed tarball, and a pkgwrite input file and makes either RedHat or Debian packages.

The actual package source code must be specified either by directory (using --srcdir) or from a tarball created with `make dist' (using --tarball).

Additional packaging information is taken from pkgwriteinfo. If --pkgwriteinfo-file is omitted, pkgwriteinfo from the source directory or tarball is taken instead. (after configure is run, so you might generally use a

There are a few command-line parameters which affect the package-making:

Don't force the user's changelog and pkgwriteinfo file to have the same version. (If the packaging system requires that the changelog's latest entry be equal to the package's version, then pkgwrite will generate a changelog entry. This happens under Debian.)

Don't remove the temporary directory (which will be /tmp/mkpkg-###-$USER). Useful for debugging.

Generate packaging for the given debian distribution: this mostly affects the changelog so setting DIST to stable or unstable is recommended.


A family of packages for various distributions which all come from one tarball and one pkgwriteinfo file.

A compilation of the source code into binaries. Some packages require multiple builds, for example, to make debugging and nondebugging versions of a libraries. Generally you just use the {MAIN} build.

A single set of installed files in a package. Simple packages only have a single target {MAIN} because the package is an all-or-nothing proposition.

Some packages contain many parts, not all applicable to all users. These packages should be broken in to different targets.

For example, a client/server based application might be conveniently packaged foo-server, foo-client-curses, foo-client-gtk. That way, users without X can use the curses version without installing gtk+, often the clients and servers are run exclusively on different machines, so installing both is a waste of disk space.

Another important note is that if you derive from a Build other than {MAIN}, then your target's name will include the build name.

If it you use Target: {MAIN}, the resulting system package will be named: PACKAGE-BUILD Otherwise, for Target: *, you'll get: PACKAGE-BUILD-*


We recommend that you maintain a changelog in debian format, here is an example:

 gdam (0.934-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * many bug fixes
   * split into many packages
  -- David Benson <>  Wed, 17 Jan 2000 13:09:36 -0800

(No spaces for each version banner; 2 spaces on each bullet; 1 space before the packager byline.)

If you don't maintain a changelog, we will generate a changelog with just this version of the package in it.

You should specify the changelog using the Changelog: directive.


Here are a few examples of common types of packages. The pkgwrite distribution includes these packages inside the examples/tiny directory.


The most common type of package has one set of files it installs or uninstalls: there are no packaged bits or pieces. (A Target in pkgwrite terminology is the installed set of files.)

Here is the pkgwrite file from the single-target example included with the pkgwrite distribution:

 Package: aa
 Section: test
 Group: Test
 Priority: low
 Home-Page: NONE
 Source-Url: NONE
 Author: David Benson <>
 Version: 0.0
 Release: 1
 Synopsis: test package aa
 Packager: daveb
 License: NONE
 Description: test package (aa).
 Target: {MAIN}
 Files: /usr/bin/*
 Synopsis: test a (single-target package)

This package's name is aa; this file will produce a binary RPM named aa-0.0-1.$ARCH.rpm.


A multi-target, single-build package is a package that need only be compiled once, but which must be separated into several system packages, because the targets appeal to different users or have different dependencies.

Here is the pkgwriteinfo file from the example multi-target single-build package:

 Package: bb
 Section: test
 Group: Test
 Priority: low
 Home-Page: NONE
 Source-Url: NONE
 Author: David Benson <>
 Version: 0.0
 Release: 1
 Synopsis: test package bb
 Packager: daveb
 License: NONE
 Description: test package (bb).
 Build: {MAIN}
 Target: a
 Files: /usr/bin/bb-a
 Synopsis: part a of package bb
 Description: whatever (bb-a)
 Target: b
 Files: /usr/bin/bb-b
 Synopsis: part b of package bb
 Description: whatever (bb-b)

In this package, only a single default Build: is required. Some packages may require the Configure-Flags or Configure-Envars fields in order to compile correctly.

By default, all the targets use the {MAIN} Build.

Then each package contains a default file list, a description and a synopsis.


The most complex type of package must be built multiple times, with different configure or make flags. Each target must then refer to the build from which it was produced, using the Which-Build field (the default is {MAIN}).

Here is the example of such a package from the pkgwrite distribution:

 Package: cc
 Section: test
 Group: Test
 Priority: low
 Home-Page: NONE
 Source-Url: NONE
 Author: David Benson <>
 Version: 0.0
 Release: 1
 Synopsis: test package cc
 Packager: daveb
 License: NONE
 Description: test package (cc).
 Build: nd
 Configure-Flags: --program-suffix=-nondebug
 Build: d
 Configure-Flags: --program-suffix=-debug
 Target: nondebug
 Which-Build: nd
 Files: /usr/bin/test-nondebug
 Synopsis: nondebug package cc
 Description: whatever (cc-nondebug)
 Target: debug
 Which-Build: d
 Files: /usr/bin/test-debug
 Synopsis: debug package cc
 Description: whatever (cc-debug)

Each Build section corresponds to a complete configure, build, install phase. In this package, the nd build just wants configure to be run configure --program-suffix=-nondebug ... whereas for the d build, configure --program-suffix=-debug ... (Note that the ... will be somewhat different from distribution to distribution)

It is perfectly possible to have more than one Target pointing to the same Build, just as multi-target single-build packages do. But the opposite is not allowed: a Target must specify exactly one Build.


Many lists and values are hardcoded into pkgwrite. You may query these lists through the --query-list flag. Here are the lists you may obtain in this manner:

Known allowed Section: fields for debian packages.

Known allowed Group: fields for redhat packages.

Known allowed Priority: fields for debian packages.

For example to get a list of allowed values for the Section: field, use pkgwrite --query-list=deb-sections.

PKGMAKER'S pkgwriteinfo FORMAT

This (long) section describes the file that describes the targets to build from a tarball. This description file is called a pkgwriteinfo file.

The pkgwriteinfo file consists of one package description part, then a number of Build sections, then a number of Target sections.


The package file should begin with a section that describes the overall source code of the package: Package: gdam Section: sound Group: Multimedia/Sound Priority: optional Home-Page: Source-Url: Version: 0.0.930 Release: 1 Author: David Benson <>

Here is a description of each allowed field:

Name of the source package.

The version number given to this version of the package by its maintainer.

Increment this each time a new package is released without a corresponding upstream version-number change.

The debian section this package belongs in.

The redhat group this package belongs in.

Priority of this package (debian-style).

A URL giving the home page for this package or project.

A URL describing how to download this package.

An author of this package, with email optional.

Under one line summary of this target.

Multiple-line description of this target.

Full name of the person who made this packaging.

Email address at which to reach the packager.

Specify the location of a Debian format changelog to include with the package (it will be converted to another standard format, if needed)


Each each output binary package there must be a ``target'' section: Target: xmms-plugins Depends: gdam-clients-gtk, gdam-server, xmms Synopsis: GDAM XMMS plugin support Description: use XMMS visualization plugins with GDAM. Files: /usr/bin/gdamxmmsvishelper

Name of this target. The name of the package that results will be prepended with SOURCE-; in this example the package's name is gdam-xmms-plugins.

Set this to yes if this package will be installable on any architecture (it contains no system-specific or compiled code).

Set this to no for packages containing compiled, architecture-specific binaries.

Debian-formatted dependency lists for this package.

Specify the redhat packages that this one depends on.

Under one line summary of this target.

The basename of a man page, for example pkgwrite.1. It will automatically be installed into the correct section directory based on its extension.

Miscellaneous documentation. Each path is assumed to be inside the installed area.

It will be always be copied into the distribution's documentation area, and it will be gzip'd if that is needed. Also, whole directories will be recursively copied, if the entry ends with a /, for example,

   Doc: /usr/share/doc/gdam/example-configs/

Miscellaneous documentation that is not normally installed by this package's makefile:

These must be files directly from the distributed tarball. They will be always be copied into the distribution's documentation area and will be gzip'd if that is needed. Whole directories will be recursively copied, if the entry ends with a /.

Multiple-line description of this target.

Name of the build whose files should be used. (Defaults to {MAIN}).

A wildcard matching ordinary files to be distributed with this target.


The name of this build. The default build should be named {MAIN}.

Options to be passed to the configure script.

Space-separated environment variables to add when configuring.

Extra parameters to the make program during both the build and the install phase.

Extra parameters to the make program during just the build phase.

Extra parameters to the make program during just the install phase.


Written by Dave Benson <>.